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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Reiki Work?
In a hands on session Reiki energy flows from the practitioners hands into the client. The client is usually laying down on a massage table however treatments may also be perform with the client seated. The client remains fully clothed. The Practitioner places their hands on or near the clients body in a series of hand positions. These positions include crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, moving through all the chakra’s. Each hand position is held for a period of 3 to 10 minutes. A typical treatment can last anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes.

Is Reiki a Religion?
Reiki energy is spiritual in nature however it is not a religion. Practitioner of Reiki are not required to change their religious or spiritual beliefs nor are those who chose to receive the benefits of Reiki. They are free to believe any belief they choose and are encourage to have some connection to a higher power.

Are there any side effects after receiving Reiki?
Often you will feel relaxed and energized from a Reiki session. However it is not uncommon to have what in know as a healing crisis. As the person vibrational energy increases toxins stored in the body are released into the blood stream and through the liver and kidney’s. This can cause a person to experience head or stomach aches or feel weak or low energy. When this occurs drink more water eat lite and get more rest.